6 simple activities your kids can do in the summer to stay sharp

by Lauren Goldblatt


Summer is super fun and easy...for kids.  

For parents, it can be hard work keeping their kids busy and productive.  School is coming soon, so this month is a great time to prepare.

Here are a few easy things you can do to get your kids ready, and avoid that summer slide.

1) Go to your library - Remember how fun it was to go to the library when you were a kid and check out your own book? It still is!

Bonus tip: Let your child check out a DVD at the library as a reward for finishing a book.  Your kid’s walk through the DVD aisle will be almost as fun as your trips to Blockbuster Video!

2) Write a letter -  Another throwback.  How good did it feel to open the mailbox and find an envelope with your name on it?  Pick a friend or family member (Grandma LOVES getting mail), and have your child write her a short letter.  Your child will be so excited to check the mail and get a letter back.

3)  Mini Journal - Have your kids write a short journal about one fun thing they did that day.


teacher tip :

In your kids' mini journals, don’t worry about misspellings or grammar.  Let your kids use “inventive spelling” and write the word how they hear it.

4) Bath fun - Give your kids a little shaving cream in the bath or shower.  Spray out some shaving cream and smooth it out. Have your kids practice writing letters or words.  Then they can erase with their hands by smoothing it out and starting all over.

My kids really enjoy this bath time activity. It’s a great way to practice writing sight words without them even realizing they are doing work.

5) Letter Splash -  What kid doesn’t LOVE water balloons?! Jayme at Teacher Turned Mom showed us this awesome way to teach kids letters and sight words...and get soaked!

- Use chalk to write letters or words on the sidewalk.
- Fill up some water balloons.
- Ask your child to tell you the letter or word.
- If she gets the word right, she gets to splash it.
- If not, review it with her and move on to the next one.


6) Math in the car - You don’t always need a pencil and paper to keep your kids sharp.

Just shout out “Who knows 7+7?” and give them points for getting it right. Make everything a game. It will make your drive more fun too!

Enjoy the rest of your summer...school is just around the corner!

Don't forget to check out the rest of KickstartReading.com

Lauren Goldblatt